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School Structure


Students and teachers are grouped into interdisciplinary instructional teams on the three grade levels. This arrangement provides appropriately smaller learning and teaching communities within the entire school. Having a student achieve identity with a team is a goal. Instructional teaming is the organizing structure that makes it easier for students to be known by a small group of adults; it helps teachers to inter-connect and relate curricula so that artificial barriers are broken down; it provides parents and guardians with a shared view of a child’s progress and needs. 

Teaming allows for flexibility in scheduling and in space, both of which are managed by the team teachers. On the team students are taught English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Special educators and a guidance counselor are also members of the team. The teams in each grade level form a House to which a Grade Administrator is assigned. Unified Arts courses are another component of the academic program. Physical education, French, Spanish, technology education, family and consumer science, computer, art, and music are an exploratory component of each student’s program. Elective courses – band, orchestra, and chorus – are also available. 

Students can take part in after-school athletics as well as activities like computer club, Science Olympiad, yearbook, Theatre Troupe, and others. These are ways for students to learn and practice sportsmanship, cooperative task accomplishment, and learn new skills. Parents play an important role through the Curtis Parent Organization (CPO), the School Council, and a volunteer program which utilizes parents’ skills and talents.