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Arrival and Dismissal



Buses drop students off at the main bus entrance. After arriving by bus, car, bicycle, or walking, students are asked to wait in the designated grade level areas until 8:20 when the bell rings. Upon arrival, the 6th grade enters through the 6th-grade entrance (halfway down the front of the building) and waits in the cafeteria until 8:20 when an administrator dismisses them. 7th grade waits, socially distanced, on the grassy area next to the blacktop and proceed through the doors next to the auditorium at 8:20 when invited in by an administrator. 8th-grade waits, socially distanced, on the grassy area on the drop-off side and proceed through the door at the end of the building at 8:20, when invited in by an administrator. Students should arrive at school by 8:20 a.m., but no earlier than 8:10 a.m.  Students who want to meet with a teacher in a classroom before 8:20 a.m. should make arrangements ahead of time. Students must be seated in their homeroom no later than 8:30 a.m. so daily attendance can be taken. Students have from 8:20 - 8:30 to get organized for the day.  After 8:30, students are tardy and must sign in at the front office and get a late pass. Students may be marked excused tardy or unexcused tardy based on the reason for tardiness to school. Announcements are made regarding late buses; students are not marked tardy when the bus is delayed. Students who have 10 or more tardies will receive a detention. Students will receive additional detention for further late arrivals to school. Excessive, unauthorized absenteeism or tardiness may result in a complaint filed with the juvenile court in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 76, Section 2.


All students are dismissed from their last block class at 3:10. Students should go directly to cars, busses, or walk home using the same grade level doors they entered in the morning. 

Early Dismissal

Early dismissal is discouraged as it interferes with student learning. A student who needs to be dismissed early must bring a signed note from parents stating the reason and time of dismissal and give it to someone in the front office first thing in the morning. Students being dismissed early will leave class at the time indicated on the dismissal note and will wait in the front lobby. The office cannot disturb classrooms by reminding the student of the early dismissal. For students’ protection and safety, the parent/guardian must come into the office and sign the student out. We will not release a child to anyone other than a parent or guardian unless written permission for that specific person is received.